The DIO is looking for a Provider to develop a fraud risk assessment methodology, and to carry out fraud risk assessments to test the methodology as well as to make progress towards fraud risk assessments of all MAEs.
The methodology shall serve as a practical tool. It needs to be suitable to conduct a credible risk assessment with limited resources, taking into account the complexities of a larger organisation.
The expected deliverables are the following:
1. First deliverable: a fraud risk assessment methodology, covering operations at MAE level. The methodology should allow the Organisation to carry out fraud risk assessments with limited resources (taking about 10 staff days per MAE) while being credible at MAE level.
2. Second and third deliverable: fraud risk assessments to assess the fraud risk at two of the MAEs of the Council of Europe, using the methodology developed, resulting in two reports setting out the results thereof.
3. Fourth deliverable: reflection paper on the experience of applying the methodology to fraud risk assessments in two MAEs and as appropriate a revised methodology (in case issues were identified that need to be improved).
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